
Monday, May 2, 2016

Turkey parliament brawls over changes to constitution

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MPs had been meeting to discuss stripping politicians of parliamentary immunity when the fight broke out
Members of Turkey's governing AK party and pro-Kurdish politicians have traded blows in parliament over plans to strip MPs of their immunity from prosecution.

The brawl erupted as a committee met to discuss the government-backed changes to the constitution.

Some parliamentarians launched themselves into the melee from a table, others threw water or aimed punches. 

The opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) say the move is aimed at stifling dissent.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for members of the pro-Kurdish HDP to face prosecution, accusing them of being an extension of the banned Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

Several parliamentarians were injured in the fighting.
A session last week on the constitutional changes also broke up in violence.

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