
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Justin Trudeau accused of 'manhandling' Conservative MP

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Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau: "I completely apologise"
Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau has been accused of "manhandling" a Conservative MP as the House of Commons debated an assisted-dying bill.

Video shows Mr Trudeau walking into a crowd and taking Opposition Whip Gord Brown by his arm in an apparent attempt to steer him to his seat.

New Democratic Party MP Ruth-Ellen Brosseau said she was "elbowed in the chest" in the ensuing scuffle.
Mr Trudeau later apologised to Ms Brosseau of Quebec "unreservedly".

Liberal Party leader Mr Trudeau also had a heated verbal exchange with New Democratic Party leader Tom Mulcair.

"What kind of man elbows a woman? It's pathetic! You're pathetic!" Mr Mulcair shouted at Mr Trudeau in the incident caught on video. 
The CBC reported that Mr Trudeau lost his temper and shouted an expletive.

The incident is considered a rare misstep for the young prime minister who is popular at home and abroad. 

"I have never seen a display of bully behaviour by a Canadian politician let alone a prime minister as I witnessed just now in the chamber," said David Sweet, a Conservative MP from Ontario.

 Liberal leader Justin Trudeau speaks to reporters during a press conference
The row appears to have begun when Mr Trudeau sought to put an end to Mr Brown's speech in the House after accusing him of deliberately speaking slowly.
Elizabeth May, a Green Party MP from British Columbia, said opposition MPs were engaging in "mischief" to delay the vote.

Several lawmakers were concerned about the breakdown in civility in the House of Commons.

"We don't want to become a House of Commons from some country you watch on CNN," Ms May said.

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