
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Indonesia approves death penalty for child rapists

There was initially little media attention on the case of the murdered Sumatran schoolgirl, Yuyun

Indonesia has toughened its punishments for child rapists to include the death penalty and chemical castration.

It follows outrage over several recent rape incidents including the gang-rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl.

President Joko Widodo said the regulation was "intended to overcome the crisis caused by sexual violence against children".

Previously, the maximum sentence for rape, of either an adult or a child, was 14 years in jail.

People jailed for sexual offences against children may also now be made to wear electronic monitoring devices after their release.  
Sexual violence in Indonesia has been a growing issue for years, with protests in 2011 over comments by Jakarta's governor, appearing to blame a rape on the victim's mini-skirt

The case of Yuyun, the murdered schoolgirl in Sumatra, prompted widespread public anger.

That grew as news of other brutal attacks came to light, including local media reports of the gang-rape and murder of an 18-year-old factory worker in Banten province.

Introduced by emergency presidential decree, the new rules are in effect immediately but could be overturned by parliament at a later date.

"An extraordinary crime deserves an exceptional response", Mr Widodo said.

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