
Friday, May 27, 2016

'Mass rape' video on social media shocks Brazi

The attack happened in a poor community in Rio de Janeiro

Brazilian police are hunting more than 30 men suspected of raping a teenage girl in Rio de Janeiro, and of putting video of the attack on social media.

The girl is reported to have gone to her boyfriend's house on Saturday and to have regained consciousness later, surrounded by the men.

Arrest warrants have been issued, including one for the boyfriend.

The assault has provoked an online campaign against what campaigners call a culture of rape in Brazil.

Conflicting versions of the story are still coming in, but the young lady had reportedly gone to her boyfriend's house in a poor community in western Rio over the weekend, where the attack took place.

According to a statement she is reported to have given to police, she woke up on Sunday, naked and wounded, and made her way home.

Only days later did she find out that some of the alleged rapists had put images of the attack on Twitter.

A 40-second-video was widely shared and followed by a wave of misogynous comments, before the users' accounts were suspended.
Rape in Brazil
47,636 rapes were reported to the police in 2014
It is estimated only 35% of rape cases are reported
Rape of an adult is punishable by a prison sentence of between 6-10 years
Sentence for rape of a minor is between 8-12 years in prison

Source: Brazilian Forum for Public Security

Speaking to local media, the girl's grandmother said the family watched the video and cried.

"I regretted watching it. When we heard the story we didn't believe what was happening. It's a great affliction. It's a depressing situation," she told Folha de S.Paulo newspaper.

"She is not well. She is very confused. This was very serious."

The attack has shocked Brazil, says the BBC's Julia Carneiro.

Campaign groups have been calling for protests over the coming days.

The United Nations group UN Women issued a statement calling for authorities to investigate the case, but to respect the victim and not victimise her once more by invading her privacy.

47,636 rapes were reported to the police in Brazil in 2014, but experts say many cases go unreported as victims fear retaliation, shame, and blame for the violence they have suffered.

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