
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Benin elections: 33 candidates fight for presidency

Benin"s Prime Minister Lionel Zinsou, a French-Beninese investment banker, waves during a rally after being nominated to fly the party flag for the forthcoming presidential election in Cotonou, January 31, 2016

 Image caption Former banking chief Lionel Zinsou is running on behalf of the ruling party 
Polls have opened in Benin's general election, with 33 candidates fighting to become president.

Thomas Boni Yayi is stepping down as leader in the West African nation of 10.6m people after two terms.
The ruling party's candidate is Prime Minister Lionel Zinsou, who used to head France's largest investment bank.
The election was delayed after problems with the distribution of polling cards, an issue that continued until the day before the vote.
Mr Zinsou, who is Franco-Beninese, is considered as "France's candidate" by his detractors, RFI reports. Benin gained independence from France in 1960.A supporter painted his face and body in yellow, the party
Image caption A supporter dressed in the colours of candidate Pascal Irenee Koupaki
A supporter pinned electoral flags of Beninese businessman and presidential candidate Sebastien Ajavon during a rally in Cotonou, on March 4, 2016
Image caption Businessman Sebastien Avajon is among the main candidates
A picture taken on March 4, 2016 shows a supporter with the party colours carrying a poster of presidential aspirant and former head of the West African Development Bank Abdoulaye Bio Tchane during a rally in Cotonou
Image caption The former head of the West African Development Bank Abdoulaye Bio Tchane is in the running
Job creation and anti-corruption drives are two of the main promises being made by candidates.
Among other leading candidates are two prominent businessmen, Sebastien Avajon and Patrice Talon, as well as economist Abdoulaye Bio Tchane and financier Pascal Irenee Koupaki.
Benin's constitution barred Mr Boni Yayi from seeking a third term, although he had tentatively sought changes to the text allowing him to do so.
The rulers of other African countries such as Burundi, Rwanda and Congo-Brazzaville have recently changed their constitutions to allow third terms.

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