
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Brazil's Dilma Rousseff accuses deputy of coup plot

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Brazil political crisis: Why Dilma Rousseff faces impeachment calls
President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil has denounced a "coup" plot against her, suggesting that Vice-President Michel Temer is one of the "conspirators".

The president - who is facing impeachment in the national Congress - hinted that he was one of the ringleaders of a plot to overthrow her.
She said an audio message released on Monday by Mr Temer, whom she did not name, was evidence of the conspiracy.
In the message, Mr Temer appears to accept replacing her as president.
He also calls for a government of national unity.

Correspondents say that it implied that Ms Rousseff's impeachment had already happened. Mr Temer says the message was released by accident - his office said it was sent to aides erroneously.
  • Could Rousseff be impeached?
  • Critical month for Rousseff
  • What has gone wrong in Brazil?
  • Rousseff faces a perfect storm
In it he appears to be rehearsing an inaugural speech. The tape was run by Brazilian media hours before an important vote by a congressional committee to decide whether impeachment proceedings against President Rousseff should continue. Brazil's Vice President Michel Temer
Vice-President Michel Temer says the audio of him calling for a government of national unity was released by accident
"Many people sought me out so that I would give at least preliminary remarks to the Brazilian nation, which I am doing with modesty, caution and moderation," he says on the recording.
The BBC's Wyre Davies in Brazil says that, given the fact that Mr Temer may also face impeachment proceedings, his words appear somewhat premature.
The 65-member congressional committee voted 38 to 27 to recommend going ahead with impeachment proceedings.
All eyes will now be on a full vote in the lower house starting on Sunday.

'Unimaginable abuses'

"They now are conspiring openly, in the light of day, to destabilise a legitimately elected president," Ms Rousseff said. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in Brasilia, 12 April
Ms Rousseff spoke to students and teachers in Brasilia on Tuesday
In an apparent reference to Vice-President Temer and lower house speaker Eduardo Cunha she referred to "the chief and... the vice-chief" of the plot.
The president said that one was guilty of "unimaginable abuses" in the impeachment process while the other was "rubbing his hands in glee while carrying out a farcical leak of an inaugural speech".
Brazil is "living [in] strange times", she said, "times of a coup, of farce and betrayal".Rally in support of President Rousseff in Rio de Janeiro. 11 April 2016
Thousands of President Rousseff's supporters rallied in Rio de Janeiro
President Rousseff said she was shocked by the audacity of the leak of the recording.
"One of the chief conspirators assumes the condition of president of the republic," she said.
She said the audio "reveals a betrayal of me and of democracy" and showed that Mr Temer had "arrogance and contempt for the people".
The president said "the mask of the conspirators had fallen".
President Rousseff faces impeachment over allegations that she massaged deficit figures ahead of her election campaign two years ago - accusations she denies.
While her opponents say the impeachment is supported by most Brazilians, the president's supporters have labelled it a flagrant power grab by her political enemies.
If the president and Mr Temer are both suspended from office, the next in line to assume the presidency is Mr Cunha.
However, he is facing money-laundering and other charges.

Rousseff under pressure

The Brazilian president faces a battle to stay in power

  • 513 members of the lower house of Congress
  • 342 votes needed to move process to the Senate
  • 41 senators out of 81 must vote in favour to begin impeachment trial
  • 180 days she could be suspended for during the hearings

What happens next?

Lower house vote: An impeachment vote is expected in the lower house on either Sunday or Monday. A two-thirds majority is required for it to go forward to the Senate. Latest surveys suggest the number in favour is short of the total needed to carry the motion.
Senate vote on trial: If Ms Rousseff case is sent to the Senate, a simple majority is enough to suspend her for up to 180 days while she is put on trial. Vice-President Michel Temer would step in during this period.
Impeachment vote: For Ms Rousseff to be removed from office permanently, two-thirds of the Senate would have to vote in favour. Mr Temer would remain president for an interim period should this happen.Graphic explaining how Brazilian President Rousseff could be impeached

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